Monday, March 9, 2009

Is it too late?

Hey All,

This is a new thing for me, even though blogging has been around for years... I'm sure there's a lot of things that I said I was going to do that I have not quite grasped yet, but I said at the beginning of this year that it has to be a change (from the inside out). Its amazing how we expect changes from other people but we don't look at the change on the inside that we need to make :-), I'm working on that too.

I know you're probably wondering why I'm talking about new beginnings in MARCH, lol, crazy huh? Well in my mind March is still in the first quarter of the year so even if you haven't made your changes in 2009 its not too late to start! Don't worry about a resolution, make a LIFE STYLE CHANGE, a commitment that you are going to do everything in your power to make your life different and new!

Talk to you soon!